
About IHK/McKernel

IHK/McKernel is a light-weight multi-kernel operating system designed for high-end supercomputing. It runs Linux and McKernel, a light-weight kernel (LWK), side-by-side inside compute nodes. A binary comipled on Linux also runs on McKernel without recomiplation. McKernel eliminate OS noise by isolating OS services in Linux and provide jitter free execution on the LWK.


Release Date Version file
2020/11/25NEW! 1.7.0
2018/11/12 1.6.0
2018/7/9 1.5.1
2018/6/21 1.5.0-knl+hfi
(Special version for KNL and OmniPath)
2018/4/5 1.5.0
2017/11/1 1.4.0
2017/10/11 1.3.0
2017/08/03 1.2.6
2016/11/14 1.2.0
2016/06/17 1.1.0
2015/11/15 1.0.0
2015/07/07 α version