
Notice 2024/04/11

The 6th workshop of PCCC AI and Machine Learning Technology will be held on April 24, 2024.

The 6th workshop of PCCC AI and Machine Learning Technology will be held on April 24, 2024, which is co-organized by HPC-AI Advisory Council, named "The 4th annual conference and collaboration"

Notice 2023/06/23

Dr. Toshihiro Hanawa, Prof. of the University of Tokyo, has become the president of PCCC.

Notice 2021/08/23

Relaunch PCCC's website.

Release 2018/06/21

McKernel Version 1.5.0-knl+hfi is released.

McKernel Version 1.5.0-knl+hfi is released.

This is the special version optimized for systems with Intel Xeon phi (KNL) and Omni-Path Gen. 1. This version should not be used for other systems.