scoreboard - cluster database server

scoreboard [-help] [-port socket-portno] [-file db-filename] [-defects defected-hosts-filename [-n number-of-processes]

scoreboard is a cluster database server used to maintain the cluster database. It should be run before any cluster nodes are used, and before commands such as msgbserv(8), scout(1) or scrun(1) are executed. scoreboard maintains information such as host and network information for SCOUT and SCore in order to configure a cluster.

If -defects is specified with a filename, then the specified file is read and the hosts listed in the file are marked as removed from the database. Excluded hosts are listed in hostname per line format. This option is used for removing host(s) temporarily.

The options available for scoreboard:

Provides a summary of the command structure

-port socket-portno
Specifies the socket port number. The default port number is 9950

-file db-filename
Specifies the database filename (absolute path) which holds the cluster configuration information

-defects defected-hosts-filename
Specifies the filename (absolute path) which lists the defected hosts.

-n number-of-processes
Specifies the number of daemon processes to start. (Not implemented on Solaris)

Upon execution, scoreboard reads its configuration information from a configuration file which, by default, is (INSTALL_DIR)/etc/scorehosts.db.


scorehosts.db(5), msgbserv(8), msgb(1), scout(1), scrun(1), scored(8), PM API(3),

$Id: scoreboard.html,v 1.2 2002/02/17 04:25:27 kojima Exp $