MPICH-SCore Getting Started



MPICH-SCore is an MPI library based on MPICH version 1.2 that supports MPI-1 and a part of MPI-2, which are the MPI standard. Your MPI application may run on it without any problem if the application is running using MPICH. MPICH-SCore runs on top of the SCore-D operationg system produced by RWCP. Thus the user is able to use the job scheduler and the checkpointing facility without any modification to the MPI application. A batch job system PBS is also available. Since MPICH-SCore uses PM as an underlying message passing system, MPICH-SCore supports all combination of network devicies supported by PM.

This distribution package includes two versions of MPICH-SCore. One is ch_score (MPICH-SCore version 1.0). The other is ch_score2 (MPICH-SCore version 2.0). Although the performance of ch_score2 is better than ch_score, ch_score2 is not tested so long time.

Here are the steps required to compile and run your program:

  1. Compile and link with mpicc(1), mpic++(1) or mpif77(1)
  2. Run using mpirun(1) or scrun(1)

You may choose one of the two versions of MPICH-SCore when invoking mpicc, mpic++, or mpif77. The default is ch_score. If you want to use ch_score2, specify the option "-device ch_score2". The runtime option of the generated binary is different from that of the other version. Please check the following documents.


See also

mpic++(1), mpicc(1), mpif77(1), mpirun(1)

How to use optional compilers

Back to MPICH-SCore Getting Started.

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This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PC Cluster Consortium.