[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] SCore 6.0.0 is released.

kameyama @ pccluster.org kameyama @ pccluster.org
2006年 11月 14日 (火) 22:44:13 JST

We are happy to announce the SCore 6.0.0 release.  Please visit the
following URL to obtain the package.

New Features in SCore 6.0.0
1. New Checkpoint Facility
   The new checkpoint facility called CRT (Checkpoint/Restart for
   Threads) supports the checkpoint of a multi-threaded and/or
   dynamically linked application.

2. No kernel patch
   SCore has required the Linux kernel path in the previous SCore
   distributions. SCore 6.0.0 does not require any kernel patches.
   All kernel functions realized in SCore are implemented as
   kernel modules.

3. YAMPI MPI Communication Library
   In addition of MPICH1.2.5, YAMPI MPI Communication Library is

4. Auto Configuration Tool
   A tool to provide the dynamic compute host configuration. The
   tool manages the SCore-D database so that the compute host list
   is dynamically maintained.

5. Dynamic Reconfiguration Tool
   In the SCore-D multi user mode, a compute host is dynamically
   joined or leaved. For more information, please look at the
   SCore-D "-daemon" option described in the man page

6. Easy Installation Tool, EIT Version 2.0
   The GUI based SCore installation tool comes back !

Bug Fixes
1. Application aborted when a lot of messages are printed

1. Because the document of the new checkpoint facility has not
   been available, please send an e-mail to the user mailing list
   if you want to use it.
2. Because the document of the auto configuration tool has not
   been available, please send an e-mail to the user mailing list
   if you want to use it.

Kameyama Toyohisa
SCore-users mailing list
SCore-users @ pccluster.org

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