[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] help: "msgb -group pcc" error

moral moral moral9692 @ hotmail.com
2004年 3月 3日 (水) 20:42:25 JST

Hello everyone.
I have the same question as sungwoo2001 @ hotmail.com's question when I 
install score .
After I started scoreboard and msgbserv by  the commands:
           # /etc/rc.d/init.d/scoreboard start
	# /etc/rc.d/init.d/msgbserv start
I execute 'msgb -group pcc &',there is a warning 
window:"Server(server.pccluster.org:9950)maybe dead? Can't continue 
operation:exit"and "Can't get host list".
When I run "scbutil msgbserv" ,it displays that "server.pccluster.org:9950, 
1 values found".
Then I run "telnet score1.ustb.cn 9950",it displays that:
                        connected to server.pccluster .org<>.
                        escape character is '^]'.
                        connection closed by foreign host.
Then I run "host" command ,the command can't be executed.What can I do ?

                                                     yours moral

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