[SCore-users-jp] Re: [SCore-users] help:a lot of questions in installing score

David Werner david.werner @ iws.uni-stuttgart.de
2004年 2月 26日 (木) 22:15:54 JST

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 07:13:24PM +0800, moral moral wrote:
> hello everyone ,there are some question when I install score.
> 1.I cann't rsh the computers in my cluster.


Not that rsh called without a remote command will
use the service rlogin to start an interactive shell.

Make sure that a) rshd and rlogind are installed,
b) rshd and rlogind are beeing configured into 'inetd' or 'xinetd'.
c) If your linux uses pam-libs (most do it now) it is required
   (as far as i know) that /etc/pam.d contains configuration
   for rsh and rlogin.

> 2.when I do"msgb -group pcc" ,there is a warning : sever.pccluster.org 
> maybe dead .and "cann't find host list".

Make sure that scoreboard is running.
Make sure that "scorehosts -g pcc -r" gives you a list of cluster-nodes.

> 3.how can I make sure whether scoreboard and msgberv has been started

The command 'ps' or 'ps -auxww'  will list running processes on your computer.
You might try the command 'grep' to filter the long list of 
processes e.g. 'ps -auxww | grep msgbserv'.

> 4.when I do "export SCBDSERV server.pccluster.org " there is a warning 
> :"server.pccluster.org is not a valid identifier". why?

Type it with equal sign "export SCBDSERV=server.pccluster.org". 
The syntax to export variables into your environment 
is shell dependent use "setenv" without equal sign
if you are csh- or tcsh-user.

> 5.After I update my kernel directly from 2.4.18 to 2.4.21 ,my computer 
> cann't use "mount" command to mount cdrom. why?
> Is there anybody who can help me ? thank you !!!

I appreciate real names when reading postings in lists.
Learn some more basic Unix, your chances also increase 
if you are precise in asking and if you provide some
background informations, e.g. what linux are you using etc. 


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