[SCore-users-jp] Re: [SCore-users] features mentioned in release notes of score 5.0

Atsushi HORI hori @ swimmy-soft.com
2004年 2月 17日 (火) 23:22:21 JST


>I configured two different host-groups and one which
>contains all hosts i.e. "pcc". Now with scoutd there seem to
>be no problem to speak to the hosts in the groups seperately. 
>But scrun in multiuser mode here does not care 
>of which group was specified in the options.
>Also using those syntax from above seems to have no impact at all.
>It always behaves like it was speciefied as pcc.
>If these features work, I would vote for to put 
>that information from the release notes also into the manpage.
>Any comments on this? 

You do want to specify the hosts to run your program even in the 
multi-user mode, do you ?

I am responsible these features, processor allocation of SCore, and I 
know many users want to sepcify the hosts to run their program, but I 
can NOT understand at all.

My design policy is that SCore knows the loads of entire system 
(cluster) and can choose an appropriate subset of clusters for jobs 
according to the system loads. Think about the case when two or more 
users submit jobs almost simultanesouly. If they could choose the 
hosts where the least number of jobs are running, they would do. But 
the next moment, their simultaneously submitted jobs might run on the 
same host set !! This situation can avoid if SCore do the "scheduling."

The same policy can be found on Linux/Unix. There might be two or 
more number of CPUs in a PC, but user(s) can not specify which CPU to 
run his/her job.

Do you want to specify the host set, still ?

Atsushi HORI
Swimmy Software, Inc.

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