[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] Configuring SCore

James O'Dell jodell @ ad.brown.edu
2003年 3月 18日 (火) 07:22:15 JST

We have had our SCore cluster running over fast ethernet for a few weeks
now and we decided to add gigabit ethernet,.

My assumption is that to add a new network i:

1) edit the pm_ehternet file on the nodes to start the gig interface.
2) Add a file pm-gig.conf to the /opt/score/etc directory. This file has
the MAC addresses of the gig cards.
3) Edit the scoredhosts.db file to define gigaethernet,include bu
pm-gig.conf file and define the nodes to have gigabit ethernet.
4) Reboot the server and the compute hosts.

when I run  

scstest -network gigaethernet

I get the following messages:

gaethernet/ethernet (error=12).
  argv[0] -config
  argv[1] /var/scored/scoreboard/kansas.0000V3000V7t
Unable to open PM gigaethernet/ethernet (error=12).
  argv[0] -config
  argv[1] /var/scored/scoreboard/kansas.0000V3000V7t

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, is there an easier way to do this?


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