[SCore-users-jp] Re: [SCore-users] problems with Netgear GA621

Steffen Loos loos @ rz.uni-potsdam.de
2003年 8月 25日 (月) 23:02:53 JST


On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Shinji Sumimoto wrote:

> Could you check whether the GA621 is works well or not?
> The number of irq 0 is something wrong. The number 0 is for system timer.
> Maybe the NIC does not work hardware interrupt.
> Could you send us the results of "cat /proc/interrupts" command.

[steffen @ ophelia]# cat /proc/interrupts
 0:  9805444	XT-PIC timer
 1:     1004	XT-PIC keyboard
 2:        0	XT-PIC cascade
 3:  9230956	XT-PIC eth2
 5:     9759	XT-PIC aic7xxx
 7:   245407	XT-PIC eth1
 8:        1	XT-PIC rtc
 9:  1580244	XT-PIC eth0
10:       15	XT-PIC aic7xxx
12:       15	XT-PIC PS/2 Mouse
14:        0	XT-PIC ide0
NMI:       0
ERR:       0

[The other both 100Mbit-devices work without any problems (normal or
with trunking).]

The effect with the Interrupt Reaping-option could based on a feature of
the driver called Interrupt-holdoff. My problem is I don't know how I can
disable this. Maybe anyone with some experience of this can help.

Steffen Loos

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