[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] [[[ SCore demonstration at SC2002 Baltimore ]]]

Shinji Sumimoto s-sumi @ flab.fujitsu.co.jp
2002年 11月 14日 (木) 11:09:29 JST

Dear SCore Users.

PC Cluster Consortium(PCCC) will demonstrate SCore cluster system
software at SC2002 conference, Baltimore.  PCCC booth is in a booth
R207 "Japanese Grid Cluster Federation".  If you attend the SC2002,
please come to our booth.  We will distribute SCore Cluster system
software 5.2 CD-ROM at the booth.

Followings are our booth information.
Japanese Grid Cluster Federation:  Booth # R207
    * http://www.apgrid.org
    * http://ninf.apgrid.org
    * http://datafarm.apgrid.org
    * http://www.rccp.tsukuba.ac.jp
    * http://www.ehpc.jp
    * http://www.pccluster.org

The Asia-Pacific Grid (APGrid) activities and Japanese major advanced
HPC projects will show the latest research results at SC2002:

    * Demonstrations of Grid technologies on the Asia-Pacific Grid,

    * Demonstrations of Tokyo Institute of Technology "Titech Campus Grid",

    * HPC systems and applications for computational physics at the
      Center for Computational Physics, University of Tsukuba,

    * Status report of the EHPC (Embedded HPC) project, and

    * SCore cluster system and Omni OpenMP software developed at the
      PC cluster consortium which takes over those software developed
      at the Real World Computing Partnership (RWCP).

				Japanese Grid Cluster Federation

Thanks in advance.
Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu Labs
SCore-users mailing list
SCore-users @ pccluster.org

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