[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] GLOBAL ARRAYS

kameyama @ pccluster.org kameyama @ pccluster.org
2002年 6月 13日 (木) 18:47:45 JST

In article <200206130722.g5D7MMp02150 @ zeralda.streamline.com> Nick Birkett <nrcb @ streamline-computing.com> wrotes:
> It compiles fine using export TARGET=LINUX; make CC='mpicc' FC='mpif77'
> Trying to run the  armci  test.x code:
> chestnut:~/GLOBAL-ARRAYS/g/armci/src$ scrun -nodes=1x2 ./test.x
> SCore-D 5.0.1 connected (jid=5).
> <0:0> SCORE: 2 nodes (1x2) ready.
> ARMCI test program (2 processes)
> 0:Child process terminated prematurely, status=: 0
> Last System Error Message from Task 0:: No child processes
> 0:Child process terminated prematurely, status=: 0
> SCORE: Program killed by operator.
> I presume GA uses it's own communication and not PM.
> If anyone got this working with PM, please  let me know.

I download to version 3.2 beta, little fix them and run test.x is successful
to nodes=1x2 and nodes=2x1.

I modified as following:
1. change CC, FC, _CC, _FC to mpicc and mpif77.
   In config/makefile.h _CC is set to gcc.
   But some file compile to use _CC.
2. In config/makefile.h, remove _CC, _FC and Intel compiler option setting.
   I set _CC to mpicc, config/Makefile set to compiler option
   for Intel compiler.
3. In config/makefile.h, F2C_TWO_UNDERSCORES and armci/src/acc.h change to
   double underline.
   Default mpi compiler on SCore use doule underline.
4. In config/makefile.h and GNUmakefile on top directory, set USE_MPI to 1.
   If USE_MPI is not set, test.x run only localhost.
5. in config/makefile.h, remove LIBMPI setting.

                       from Kameyama Toyohisa
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