[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] The problem on the NAS Parallel Benchmarks

杨易 yankuangtu @ 163.com
2002年 8月 8日 (木) 17:55:47 JST

I can run the benchmark only with 1 thread,it is ok.
But when i run it with >=2 thread,it is without response.
The state of the thread is like :

root      9693  0.0  0.0     0    0 ?        Z    10:10   0:00 [is.W.1 <defunct>]

I can run the the example that provided by Omni
The option that i compile the benchmark is :

omcc -omniconfig=scash  -lompc_sm -ltlog  -lscash -lscoreusr -lscorecommon -lpm -lscwrap -lm

Anybody else face the same problem?How can i solve the 
problem?thank a lot :)

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