
lists installed MPI systems


score_mpi_list [-lang lang] [-cmdline]


The score_mpi_list command lists the installed MPI libraries. The MPI libraries can vary from the MPI implementations, MPI devices, and programming languages. If the -lang option is specified, score_mpi_list lists the possible combination of MPI implementations and its devices with the programming language. The default language is the C.

If the -cmdline option is specified, score_mpi_list outputs the possible command lines to compile and link an MPI program with the possible MPI libraries.


% score_mpi_list
mpich2 nemesis_score gnu
mpich2 ch_score gnu

On this host, there are two MPI libraries derived from MPICH2, having two devices of NEMESIS with SCore and CH_SCORE (libmtmi). The both libraries are ready for GNU compiler.

% score_mpi_list -cmdline
mpicc -mpi mpich2 -device ch_score -compiler gnu
mpicc -mpi mpich2 -device nemesis_score -compiler gnu

With the -cmdline option, the command outputs the possible compile commands with appropriate options to specify an MPI implementation, an MPI device and a backend compiler. The following example shows how an MPI program can be compiled with these options.

% mpicc -mpi mpich2 -device ch_score -compiler gnu test.c


mpicc(1), mpicxx(1), mpif77(1), mpif90(1).
This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2008 PC Cluster Consortium.