
Print backend compiler information of SCore compile scripts


score_compiler_list -script script [-check] [-path] [-alias] [-default]

score_compiler_list -env environ [-check] [-path] [-alias]

score_compiler_list -all [-check] [-path] [-noalias]


score_compiler_list prints backend compiler information. If the -script script option is specified, where the script is the shell script describing how the assocaited backend compiler should work, then the name of the associated backend compiler is printed. If the -env environ option is specified, where the environ is the name of programming environment such as MPI, Omni (OpenMP), and SCore, then the installed list of compiling scripts associated with the environ environment. If the -all option is specified, then the information of all of the installed environments are prionted.

Here is the example,

% score_compiler_list -script mpicc
In this case, the mpicc compile script can accept the gnu or pgi compiler option mpicc.

With the -noalias option, score_compiler_list will not print aliases.

With the -default option, score_compiler_list will only print default compiler(s).

With the -path option, score_compiler_list will print the path to the backend compiler(s).

% score_compiler_list -env mpi -path
gnu mpicc:/usr/bin/gcc mpic++:/usr/bin/g++ mpif77:/usr/bin/gfortran

If the -check option is specified, score_compiler_list will tests if the backend compilers commands really exist.


compilers(5), scorecc(1), mpc++(1), mpicc(1), mpic++(1), mpif77(1), mpif90(1),
This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2008 PC Cluster Consortium.