SCore System Installation on Server

Login to the server host and perform the following:

  1. Configure the scoreboard database
    The database format is described in scorehosts.db(5). The database must be the /opt/score/etc/scorehosts.db file. A sample file, scorehosts-db.sample, is located in the doc/html/en/installation/ directory. In the following example, we assume four dual Pentium III computers are connected by Myrinet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 100 Mbps Ethernet.
    /* PM/Myrinet */
    myrinet	type=myrinet \
    		-firmware:file=/opt/score/share/lanai/lanaixp.mcp \
    /* PM/Ethernet */
    ethernet	type=ethernet \
    /* PM/SHMEM */
    shmem0		type=shmem -node=0
    shmem1		type=shmem -node=1
    /* Macro to define a host */
    #define PCC \
    			cpugen=pentium-iii speed=500 smp=2 \
    			network=myrinet,sci,ethernet,shmem0,shmem1 \
    			group=pcc,_scoreall_	PCC	PCC	PCC	PCC
    If you use Myrinet nic please use myrinet type and lanaixp.mcp firmware.

    If you don't have some of the above network interfaces, they must be deleted from this file. For example, if you don't have a Myrinet network and a SCI network, then the PCC macro should be:

    #define PCC \
    			cpugen=pentium-iii speed=500 smp=2 \
    			network=ethernet,shmem0,shmem1 \
    If you only have single-processor Pentium III computers then smp=1 must be defined in the host macro. Without this entry SCore-D will issue a warning message saying it is unable to get the SMP field. The above PCC macro should, in this case, be replaced with:
    #define PCC             msgbserv=( \
                            cpugen=pentium-iii speed=500 smp=1 \
                            network=ethernet \
    Be sure that all hostnames in this database, the compute hosts and msgbserv host, have exactly the same name as that produced by the hostname(1) command.

  2. Create files under the /etc/profile.d directory
    The SCBDSERV environment variable and execution path must be set for shells. The following examples are bash, sh, csh, and tcsh.
  3. Create /etc/score.conf file
    The /etc/score.conf format is described in score.conf.

    Then please copy /etc/score.conf to all compute hosts.

  4. Start the scoreboard and msgb servers
    In order to start the servers, execute the following:

    	# /etc/rc.d/init.d/scoreboard start
    	# /sbin/chkconfig --add msgbserv
    	# /etc/rc.d/init.d/msgbserv start
    Look in the /var/log/msgbserv.out file to check that msgbserv is correctly running, i.e. there are no errors in this file.

  5. PMv2 Device Configuration
    1. Myrinet
      To set up the PM/Myrinet configuration file, see the PMv2 MYRINET CONF(5) man page. For example, the following entries should be stored in /opt/score/etc/pm-myrinet.conf, whose file name was specified in /opt/score/etc/scorehosts.db
      # Host Number   Host Name               Switch Number . Port Number
      0                    0.0
      1                    0.1
      2                    0.2
      3                    0.3

    2. Ethernet
      The PM/Ethernet configuration file format is described in the PMv2 ETHERNET CONF(5) man page. To set up the PM/Ethernet configuration file, you may use the mkpmethernetconf(8) command. Examples are shown below.
              # export SCBDSERV
      	# cd /opt/score/etc
      	# /opt/score/deploy/mkpmethernetconf \
      	    -speed 1000 -g pcc > pm-ethernet.conf

      Note that all compute hosts must be installed and up because an Ethernet MAC address is obtained by issuing the rsh command to a compute host.

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