Upshot - Parallel Program Visualization Tool

upshot [logfile]

Upshot was written by Ed Karrels while a student at Argonne National Laboratory, under the direction of Ewing Lusk. Additional direction and development were performed by William Gropp.

Upshot is a Tcl/Tk program written for visualizing Alog, and PICL format logfiles.

Using the program is (hopefully) mostly intuitive, so I'll just go over a few brief points.

From the main window:
"Select Logfile" brings up a dialog box for selecting a different logfile. "Setup" loads the select logfile and displays it. "Options" brings up a dialog box for setting a few program options. "Quit" closes Upshot.
Select Logfile:
All directories in the current directory are listed, as well as all files that match the glob-style pattern in the 'Pattern:' entry field. Click on a directory or file name to select it; double click on or click on and hit 'OK' to change to the directory or select the file and banish the dialog box. When the file is clicked on, the file format will be set automatically. (Alog for *.log files, Picl for *.trf files, Alog for anything else) If the automatic format is incorrect, click on the correct format. Click 'OK' to accept the selection and close the dialog box. Click 'cancel' to close the dialog box and ignore the selected file.
Setup button - open the file:
Clicking 'Setup' will load the logfile. This may take a while, depending on the size of the logfile, so a percent-done meter is displayed. When Upshot is finished loading the file, it displays the entire file in one view. Horizontal and vertical zoom buttons do what they say. To set the zoom point (the point of display that is stationary while the rest expands or contracts around it), third-button click on the point of the display desired. To drag the canvas around, second-button click 'n drag the display. All mouse drag motion will be magnified 10x in the displacement of the display. 'Reset' resets the display back to the original view and adjust to fit the window if it has been resized. Click on a state name or color box in the legend (at the top of the display window) to get a distribution graph of the length (in sec.) of all instances of that state. The beginning and ending ranges of the viewed portion can be adjusted to look closer at a certain range.

More than one logfile, or multiple copies of the same logfile can be open at a time. Just select another logfile in the initial window and hit 'Setup' again.

MPE User Guide , clog2alog(1),

Something is goofy with the legend. It looks fine when printed out, but on the legend items are jumbled sometimes. I've found they sort themselves out after a few redraws. Stipple fill patterns get a little chopped on the left side on some items when they are printed.