ScoopServer - SCOOP cluster resource server

ScoopServer [-g scoreboard-group] [-port tcp_port] [-ui sec] [-si sec] [-up command] [-down command] [-L] [-U] [-M] [-D]

ScoopServer is the server program for the cluster resource monitoring tool, SCOOP, which monitors resource data for the SCore Cluster System Software.

SCOOP is a system monitoring tool for the PC Cluster System used with the SCore Cluster System Software. There are three components: an agent program (scoopd(8)), a data collection server program (this program), and a GUI tool (Scoop(8)) which displays information collected by the server.

The options available for ScoopServer:

-g scoreboard-group
Specifies the host group to monitor. scoreboard-group must be defined in the scorehosts.db configuration file used by scoreboard(8). Multiple groups can be specified as a comma-separated list

-port tcp_port
Specifies the TCP port number on which the program will listen for connections. The default port number is 4010

-ui sec
Host activity updated every sec seconds

-si sec
Host resource information updated every sec seconds

-up command
command is executed when host is determined to be up

-down command
command is executed when host is determined to be down

Get one-minute load average data from agents

Get user login count from agents

Disable locking the msgbserv(8)

Display debug messages on stdout

ScoopServer can be run on any machine which has the Java programming environment installed. The machine does not have to be a cluster host. It communicates with scoopd(8) agents and collects host resource information periodically.

ScoopServer uses the environment variable SCBDSERV to locate the machine running the scoreboard server and receive cluster configuration information.

If -L and -U are used at the same time then the first option will be chosen.


scoreboard(8), scorehosts.db(5), scoopd(8), Scoop(8)