Executing SCore-D for the Multi-User Environment

To create a Multi-User Environment for the cluster you must execute scored(8) from within a scout(1) environment. scored fork()'s and exec()'s user processes, so scored must run as root so it can set the user ID of user processes. Here is a very simple example of starting a Multi-User Environment for the cluster group 'pcc', which consists of four compute hosts, comp0, comp1, comp2 and comp3. The scoreboard(8) is executing on host 'serv1' so we need to set the SCBDSERV environment variable:
$ /bin/su -
# export SCBDSERV=serv1
# export PATH=$PATH:/opt/score/bin:/opt/score/sbin:/opt/score/deploy
# scout -g pcc
SCOUT: Spawn done.
SCOUT: session started
# scored
SYSLOG: /opt/score/deploy/scored
SYSLOG: SCore-D 4.1 $Id: init.cc,v 1.63 2001/09/07 09:10:26 hori Exp $
SYSLOG: Compile option(s): 
SYSLOG: SCore-D network: myrinet/myrinet2k
SYSLOG: Cluster[0]: (0..15)x2.i386-redhat7-linux2_4.i686.800
SYSLOG:   Memory: 501[MB], Swap: 259[MB], Disk: 3027[MB]
SYSLOG:   Network[0]: myrinet/myrinet2k
SYSLOG:   Network[1]: ethernet/ethernet
SYSLOG: Scheduler initiated: Timeslice = 500 [msec]
SYSLOG:   Queue[0] activated,  exclusive scheduling
SYSLOG:   Queue[1] activated,  time-sharing scheduling
SYSLOG:   Queue[2] activated,  time-sharing scheduling
SYSLOG: Session ID: 0
SYSLOG: Server Host: comp00.pccluster.org
SYSLOG: Backup Host: comp0f.pccluster.org
SYSLOG: Operated by: hori
SYSLOG: --------- SCore-D (4.1) bootup --------
The startup of scored will take several seconds to complete, depending on the number of host involved. If you are already executing the Compute Host Lock Client, msgb(1), then you will see the node blocks in the msgb window change from blue to red.

In this case, there is one cluster designated as Cluster[0] consisting of 16 hosts. comp00.pccluster.org is host 0, running to comp0f.pccluster.org as host 15. The acceptable binary type is i386-redhat7-linux2_4, the CPU generation name is i686, and its speed is 800 (MHz). the binary type i386-redhat7-linux2_4 means that processor is Intel i386, OS distributer is Redhat (version 7.X) and the kernel version is Linux 2.4.X. Each host in the cluster is an SMP (SMP is set to 2 in this case). The processor speed is 800. This could mean 800 MHz but it is chosen at the administrator's discretion.

There is one Myrinet2000 network designated as Network[0] and Ethernet as Network[1]. The default network for SCore-D can be any of these networks specified with the -network option. In this case, Myrinet2000 is chosen in default. If there were multiple networks then the default network will be the first network in the list. The SCore-D server is, by default, the last host in the cluster, in this case, comp0f.pccluster.org.

scored is now running on the cluster group and users can submit jobs to be executed on the cluster using commands such as scrun(1) or mpirun(1). User's program executable files are copied by scored to the compute hosts. The files do not need to be located in a network file system, however, user executable files must be readable for the copy to take place. Users executable files are copied into somewhere in the /var/scored directory. A checkpoint image is also stored in this directory if the user program requests to be checkpointed. The directory must be located in a file system where there is enough disk space to hold those files. The directory may be created when scored is firstly invoked on the cluster hosts. If the system administrator wants to have the directory in another file system, then the administrator must create a symbolic link before scored is run. User files in this directory will be removed when a parallel process is terminated.

There are several options available for scored. You can read the scored(8) man page for complete details.

See also

scout(1), scrun(1), sctop(1), scorehosts.db(5), scoreboard(8), scbcast(8)

This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PC Cluster Consortium.