Standard Linux Modifications

  1. Install Linux 2.6.11
    In this release, kernel patches for the Linux 2.6.11 are provided.

    1. When choosing the filesystems to create, we recommend creating a file system called /scored with a space of 1GB for checkpointing, and setting the access rights so all users are permitted access.
    2. The host name must be specified with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
      For example,, instead of just the host name server
  2. Add the PMv2 device drivers to the kernel
    SCore includes kernel PMv2 device drivers for Myrinet, 100Mbps and Gigabit Ethernet, and shared memory. Drivers except for PM/Ethernet must be statically linked into the kernel on all compute hosts.

    1. To create new kernel source code, issue the following commands:
      	# cd /usr/src
      	# tar vxzf linux2.6.11.tar.gz
      	# cd linux-2.6.11
      	# patch -p1 -s < linux2.6.11.score.patch
    2. To create a new configuration file for the kernel, execute the following:
      	# make menuconfig

      1. Select the ``SCore PM devices'' menu. You will find the following entries:

        SCore PM/Shmem (Shared Memory) support (NEW)
        SCore PM/Ethernet support (NEW)
        SCore PM/Ethernet-nkp drivers (w/o Kernel Patch) (NEW)
        SCore PM/Myrinet drivers (NEW)
        SCore PM/Memory (Common) drivers (NEW)

        Please select those drivers which are appropriate for your configuration, so that they are MODULE. To select a driver as a module driver, type the m key instead of typing the space key.

        If you select ``RWCP PM/Ethernet support (NEW)'', the following options will also be displayed:

        Select ``Interrupt-reaping'' to increase PM/Ethernet make performance.

      2. Save the configuration, then exit menuconfig.

    3. To make a new kernel, perform the following:

      1. Issue the following commands to make and install a new kernel.
        	# cd /usr/src/linux
        	# make bzImage
        	# make modules
        	# make modules_install
        	# make install
        If you use lilo, please update lilo loader database. Make sure that there are no errors to install the new kernel.

      2. Halt the system and install a Myrinet card, then reboot the system
        	# /sbin/halt
        If a Myrinet card has been installed, the following kernel messages will appear during the boot sequence:
        Myrinet 9 revison(1) bus(0) iobase(e7000000) irq(c) vmem(d0800000)
        Values depend on the version of the Myrinet card and the host system.

        To make sure the PM drivers have been installed, issue the following command:

        	# dmesg | grep -i pm
        You will see several messages. e.g.,
        PM memory support
        Register pm_memory as major(123)
        pm[0]: clockval = 90449044, cpu = 403, delay = 0, board = 1, sram = 100000
        pm[0]: 30 contexts using 3840K bytes of memory
        Register pm as major(121)
        PM/Ethernet: "$Id: pm_ethernet_dev.c,v 1.68 2001/02/24 12:48:14 s-sumi Exp$"
        PM/Ethernet: register etherpm device as major(122)
        pmshmem: version = $Id: pm_shmem.c,v 1.6 2000/09/25 12:42:28 kameyama Exp $
        pmshmem_init: register pm_shmem as major(124)
        etherpm0: 8 contexts using 2048K bytes of memory, maxunit=2, maxnodes=128.
        etherpm0: Interrupt Reaping on eth0, irq 10
    Be sure that the above procedures are performed on all hosts so that a new kernel is installed on all hosts.

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This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PC Cluster Consortium.