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A Note on Compilers, Bugs and Caveats

TACO is pretty demanding with respect to the correctness of the C++ compiler. When you have the SCore cluster system software installed, you should use the supplied mpc++ compiler driver for compilation. This basically releaves you from specifying a lot of include paths. The mpc++ compiler driver can use several C++ compilers as backend, including g++, KCC, pgi, fujitsu. As of now (August 2001), {\sc Taco} can be compiled well with the KAI C++ Compiler (KCC) 4.0c (which is based on the latest EDG parser and is pretty much compliant to the C++ standard), g++ 2.91.66 (egcs-1.1.2 release) and also g++ 3.0 in combination with the new STLv3. Unfortunately {\sc Taco} cannot be compiled with any other g++ releases prior to g++ 3.0. Releases like the g++ 2.95.2 cause the compiler to crash with internal compiler errors.

Note, that you can use the above mentioned C++ compilers without the mpc++ driver. In this case you only need to specify all include paths as well as library paths correctly. In the case of the MPI implementation of TACO you might use mpiCC for compilation as well.

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