cstest - test PM over a whole cluster

% cstest [options]

Cstest tests PM over a whole cluster.

Cstest executes the same executable file on the same directory on which cstest is invoked using rsh(1) on all nodes under testing. By this reason, the host on which cstest must be able to rsh(1) to all cluster nodes to be tested.
Next, it must be possible to access the same executable file by copying the file to all nodes or by any file sharing facilities such as NFS.
Further, to chdir to the same directory, an environment variable PWD must be set as the logical path of the working directory on which cstest is invoked. Some shells such as tcsh, bash and zsh set PWD correctly. If other shells are used with automount or amd to share files, and the physical path of the working directory is not same as the logical path of it, PWD must be set manually.

-type device
Device is used as the PM device type. Default is "myrinet".
-config config_file
Config_file is used as the PM configuration file.
Default is "pm.cnf".
-trunk[trunk_num] config_file
This option is only effective to network trunking of PM/Ethernet.Trunk_num is set to trunk number(0,1,2...) and, config_file is used as the PM configuration file for the trunk network. (Ex. -trunk0 ether-1.conf -trunk1 ether-2.conf )
-firmware firmware_file
Firmware_file is used as the NIC firmware file.
Default is "pm.mcp".
-agent agent_command
If the device type is "agent", this argument is needed to specify the agent command name of PM/Agent.
Currently only "pmaudp" which means UDP communication agent is available as the agent command name.
-chan chan
Chan is used as the PM channel number for testing.
Default is zero.
-context ctx
Ctx is used as the PM context number for testing.
Default is zero.
-len length
Length byte messages are used for testing.
Default is 8 bytes.
-count count
This option specifies the number of tests.
Default is infinity.
-pe num_pe
Num_pe PEs are tested.
Default is all PEs of the cluster.
-base base_pe
Base_pe is used as the first PE number.
Default is zero.
A burst transfer is used for testing.
This is the default.
A ping-pong transfer is used for testing instead of a burst transfer.
Show some messages while testing.
Default is that no messages are shown except errors.

% cstest -v -pe 32 -ping
Execute a ping-pong transfer test on 32 PEs.

Cstest outputs the following error message when any error occurs:
node_name(pe#) function: error
function detects error on the node.
node_name(pe#) function: Operation timed out
function failed for a long time on the node.
node_name(pe#) Signal: Interrupted system call
Testing was interrupted by a signal on the node.