Attention:SCore 5.8 dose NOT have binary compatibility of SCore 5.0.1 or before.
If you want to execute old SCore programs, you have to re-compile.

New features in SCore 5.8

  1. Following distributions are newly supported.
  2. The following PM devices are newly supported:

  3. The following Compilers are newly suppported:

  4. The following contribution packages are added:

  5. In

    scout, -nostdin option is added.

  6. In

    scoreboard, scorednetwork attribute to specify SCore-D network is added.

  7. In

    SCore-D console command, limiting user resouces is added.

  8. ULT_STACK_SIZE environment variable is added to specify stack size for mpc++


  1. The SCore compile drivers output warning message when -nockpt option is specified.

  2. If -lpthread is specified, SCore compile drivers assume -nockpt option.

  3. Delete bustest2k, bustestxp. These commands are merged into the bustest command

  4. scstest output numbers of packet per second and network configuration.

Bug Fixes

  1. Myrinet XP firmware bug is fixed.

  2. PM/Infiniband for Fujitsu HCA porting

    Checkpoint is now supported in this version.
  3. Memory allocation over 1 GB bug on redhat 7.3 and 8.0 is fixed.

  4. MPI program can run over 2048 processors now.

  5. The Fortran compiler recognizes to configure mpich 1.2.5.

  6. Mpc++ program was unable to work on IA64 with dynamic link.

  7. The checkpoint is now able to work on IA64 and Opteron.


  1. IA64 porting

    We have not tested the following features in an IA64 cluster:
    1. Omni OpenMP

    2. PBS

  2. AMD64 porting

    We have not tested the following features in an AMD64 cluster:
    1. Omni OpenMP

  3. PM/Infiniband for Fujitsu HCA porting

    HCA firmware update is needed to use SCore.
  4. The PM/Ethernet network trunking feature has been only tested on up to three Intel EEPRO100 NICs and up to two Syskonnect SK9843 NICs, Intel PRO1000/XT NICs and Broadcom BCM5701 based NICs. We already found that the feature does not work using some different NIC cards, e.g., the combination of tulip and 3C05B NICs.

  5. PM/myrinet2xp

    pmWrite() function is not work with PM/myrinet2xp.
  6. PVM is not fully tested.

  7. PVM does not work in an SMP cluster.

  8. The PM/InfiniBand for Topspin porting

    The driver modules are not currently open sourced. If you want to use PM/InfiniBand for Topspin, request the binary from InfiniBand vendor. We are currently in the process of implementing the open source version.

Known Bugs

  1. EIT
    1. The modification of the display name in the network configuration window is not effective.

  2. If you specify group option with scrun, and if you specify wrong group or hostname, scrun will not stop.
  3. If you specify group and checkpoint option with scrun, and you specify wrong resource (for example, too many CPU is specified), scrun try to execute scored infinite.

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This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PC Cluster Consortium.