SCore System Installation on Compute Hosts
other than Red Hat and SuSE

Login to ALL compute hosts and perform the following:
  1. Set up networking
    /root/.rhosts and the /etc/hosts.equiv files must contain all server and compute host names so that the rsh command works on all hosts. For example,
  2. Edit /root/.bashrc on all hosts so that the following line is added:
    export PWD
  3. Copy commands and files
    To copy comands and files, issue the following commands:
    	# mkdir /opt/score
    	# cd /opt/score
    	# rcp server:/etc/score.conf /etc
    	# rsh server 'cd /opt/score;tar cf - deploy install pbs/*/bin pbs/*/sbin'| tar xf -
    Or NFS mount server's /opt/score as following commands:
    	# mkdir /opt/score
    	# mount server:/opt/score /opt/score
  4. setup Device files and daemon
    To create the PM device files and setup daemon, issue the following commands:
    	# cd /opt/score/install/bin.*
    	# ./setup -score_comp -pbs_comp
    	# chkconfig --add scoutd

    Edit the /etc/rc.d/init.d/pm_ethernet file if the machine has more than one ethernet card and you want to use a PM/ethernet device other than the eth0 device, modify the IF variable in the file. For example, if you want to use the eth1, the IF variable should be:


    To start daemons, issue the following commands:

    	# (cd /etc/rc.d/init.d;./pm_ethernet start)
    	# (cd /etc/rc.d/init.d;./pbs_mon start)
    	# (cd /etc/rc.d/init.d;./scoopd start)
    	# (cd /etc/rc.d/init.d;./scored start)
  5. Create the /var/scored and /var/scored/scoreboard directories on all hosts
    The /var/scored/singleuser and /var/scored/multiuser directories must be created on all hosts. If you created a /scored file system, then execute:
    	# chmod 755 /scored
    	# ln -s /scored /var/scored
    	# mkdir /var/scored/scoreboard
    	# mkdir /var/scored/singleuser
    	# mkdir /var/scored/multiuser
    	# chmod 777 /var/scored/scoreboard
    	# chmod 1777 /var/scored/singleuser
    	# chmod 755 /var/scored/multiuser
    	# mkdir /var/scored
    	# chmod 755 /var/scored
    	# mkdir /var/scored/scoreboard
    	# mkdir /var/scored/singleuser
    	# mkdir /var/scored/multiuser
    	# chmod 777 /var/scored/scoreboard
    	# chmod 1777 /var/scored/singleuser
    	# chmod 755 /var/scored/multiuser

  6. PBS/SCore
    See PBS/SCore Administrator's Guide if you want to use PBS/SCore.

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This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PC Cluster Consortium.