
The following X Window demonstrations require the host where scrun(1) is invoked to be allowed to make connections to the X server where the program output will be viewed. See the Running X Window Applications under SCore chapter for more details.
  1. Mandelbrot using MPC++ MTTL
    Under the Single-User Environment:
    Issue the following command on your X terminal:
    	$ xhost +
    Login to the server host and issue the following commands:
    	$ scout -g pcc
    	$ scrun -nodes=4 /opt/score/demo/bin/mandel
    The following window should be displayed:

    Under the Multi-User Environment:
    To execute the Mandelbrot demonstration program written in MPC++ MTTL under the Multi-User Environment, where scored(8) is assumed to be running on the comp3 host, issue the following command:
    	$ scrun -nodes=4, \
    The same window shown above should appear.

  2. Mandelbrot using MPICH-SCore

    Under the Single-User Environment:
    To execute the Mandelbrot demonstration using the MPICH-SCore program under the Single-User Environment, login to the server host and issue the following commands:
    	$ scout -g pcc
    	$ mpirun -np 4 /opt/score/demo/bin/pmandel
    The following window should be displayed:

    Under the Multi-User Environment:
    To execute the Mandelbrot demonstration program using MPICH-SCore under the Multi-User Environment, issue the following command:
    	$ scrun -nodes=4, /opt/score/demo/bin/pmandel
    The same window shown above should appear.

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This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003-2004 PC Cluster Consortium.