PM/Ethernet Test Procedure

This test procedure assumes that the X window system is already running on the server.
  1. etherpmctl command
    Be sure the etherpmctl command is already issued during boot via the pm_ethernet rc script on all hosts. If it has not been issued yet, invoke it on all hosts as follows:
    $ su
    # /etc/rc.d/init.d/pm_ethernet start
  2. Point-to-Point test (Message)
    Make sure that the PM kernel driver is installed on all hosts. To test the PM communication function, use the rpmtest command. For example, if you want to test communication from comp0 (node 0) to comp1 (node 1), please follow the instruction below: P> Issue the following commands in a window on the server host:
    $ cd /opt/score/sbin
    $ ./rpmtest comp1 ethernet -reply
    Issue the following commands in another window on the server host:
    $ cd /opt/score/sbin
    $ ./rpmtest comp0 ethernet -dest 1 -ping
    	Success: Two numbers similar to "8     0.000113725" are printed
                     The first number is the data size (in bytes)
                     The second number is the latency (in seconds)
    	Failure: Error and dump messages are printed
    When the test finishes, do not forget to kill the pmtest process on the server host because the process is in an infinite loop.
    If this test fails, read the Troubleshooting section.

  3. Total test
    This is the stress test. All hosts randomly send burst messages to other hosts. Issue the following commands on the server host:
    $ cd /opt/score/deploy
    $ scout -g pcc
    SCOUT: Spawn done.   
    SCOUT: session started
    $ ./scstest -network ethernet
    CSTEST: BURST on ethernet
    50 K messages.
    100 K messages.
    150 K messages.
    200 K messages.
    250 K messages.
    300 K messages.
            Success: number of messages to send are printed.
            Failure: Error messages are printed.
    To stop this test, press Ctrl-C or another interrupt command.
    If this test fails, read the Troubleshooting section.

  4. Network Trunking
    If you want to install Network Trunking, refer Network Trunking for PM/Ethernet Administrator's Guide


etherpmctl command fails.
Point-to-point test fails.
Communication Performance is too slow.
If you have any trouble, please contact us using SCore Users ML.

This document is a part of the SCore cluster system software developed at PC Cluster Consortium, Japan. Copyright (C) 2003 PC Cluster Consortium.