SCore Binary Module Extraction and Installation

The binary rpm files are located on or

If you have an SCore Version 5.0.0 CD-ROM, you will find rpm files under the /mnt/cdrom/score.rpm/ and under the /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/ directories.

  1. Binary Module Extraction

    We assume that SCore binary rpm files will be downloaded under the /opt/score/work directory on the server host.

  2. Binary Module Installation

    Execute the following on the server host:

    	# cd /opt/score/work
    	# ./bininstall -server
    bininstall will install several daemon programs and startup scripts. For instance, the following files will be installed for the daemon settings in addition to installation of several administration commands:


PCCC logo PC Cluster Consotium

$Id: download-binary.html,v 1.3 2002/03/08 06:24:16 hirose Exp $