1. MPICH/SCore on PM/Myrinet achieves less performance than MPICH/GM on Myrinet2000.

    MPICH/GM uses Zero-copy communication at default, MPICH/SCore does not use zero-copy communication at default. Please try to use mpi_zerocopy=on at scrun option, such as :

    % scrun -nodes=4x1,mpi_zerocopy=on a.out

  2. MPICH/SCore on PM/Ethernet achieves less performance than MPICH/p4(LAM) on Ethernet.

    The default parameters defined in /opt/score/etc/pm-ethernet.conf are not optimized. Please optimize the parameters using maxnsend and backoff in pm-ethernet.conf .
    Or use mpi_eager option, such as:

    % scrun -nodes=4x1,mpi_eager=1000000 a.out

  3. Scstest or rcstest fails on PM/Ethernet

    Please optimize the parameters using maxnsend and backoff in pm-ethernet.conf. Or use timeout option such as:

    % scstest -network ethernet -timeout 10
    % rcstest node00 ethernet -v -timeout 10

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$Id: faq.html,v 1.1 2002/03/08 15:43:01 s-sumi Exp $