[SCore-users] PBS and Multi-User Environment

PH1303 at gmx.de PH1303 at gmx.de
Mon Sep 8 21:36:44 JST 2003


I'm running a Multi-User-Environment with sc_watch (Version 5.4.0) but
submitting jobs via qsub-command doesn't work. For example submitting a NAS
parallel benchmark job via "qsub npb.sh" aborts with the message that no scout
environment nor SCore-D server can be found. Starting the job via "mpirun -np 8
/benchmarks/NPB/mg.A.8" (without PBS) works fine. The SCORE_OPTIONS variable
only contains the name of my scored server. What's wrong?

Contents of npb.sh:

mpirun -np 8 /benchmarks/NPB/mg.A.8

Contents of  npb.sh. - stderr:
No value for $TERM and no -T specified
No value for $TERM and no -T specified
FEP:ERROR Neither SCOUT environment nor SCore-D server.


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