[SCore-users] Execution Time Problem

Atsushi HORI hori at swimmy-soft.com
Fri May 30 15:56:00 JST 2003


>I have been running some NAS benchmarks using Score-D on a myrinet 
>network and the results are much 
>worse than the ones on GM (without score). For example SP (class B, 
>9 nodes) finishes in around 230 
>seconds on GM and it takes 1000 seconds when I use score...
>Is there something wrong or is it normal???

How did you switch GM and SCore/PM ? Since both GM and SCore try to 
open Myrinet device, but they conflicts. I wonder you are using 
Ethernet instead of Myrinet.

Try to run with stat=all option for SCore, for example

% scrun -nodes=XXX,stat=all ./a.out


% mpirun -score stat=all ./a.out

and you will get statistics information, like the following

-=-=-=-= SCore-D Statistics =-=-=-=-
Nodes:8, User:287.0[m], Elapsed:3.857[S], CSW:1, CKPT:0
 [0:0] 4[hosts]x2[procs], comp0.pccluster.org...comp3.pccluster.org

shmem0/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [0:1] shmem1/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [1:0] shmem0/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [1:1] shmem1/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [2:0] shmem0/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [2:1] shmem1/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [3:0] shmem0/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];
 [3:1] shmem1/shmem[1], myrinet/myrinet:1[2];

#Node UsrTime  SysTime  Mem   Disk   #SC  IO    Exit
    0 2.450[S]  90.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   8 0[B]      1
    1 2.920[S]  20.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
    2 2.500[S]  90.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
    3 2.960[S]  10.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
    4 2.370[S]  60.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
    5 2.830[S]  10.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
    6 2.560[S]  60.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
    7 3.010[S]  10.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B] 9[sig]
  Min 2.370[S]  10.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B]    ---
  Max 3.010[S]  90.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   8 0[B]    ---
  Ave 2.700[S]  43.0[m] 0[KB]  1[MB]   6 0[B]    ---

As you can see, if the network is Myrinet then you will find Myrinet 
in the statistics.

Atsushi HORI
Swimmy Software, Inc.

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