[SCore-users] How to specify a input data file with scrun?

Makoto Yoneya yoneya at nanolc.jst.go.jp
Fri Mar 28 15:29:33 JST 2003

Dear SCore users:

I'm new comer to SCore world.
I'd like to run the MD program GROMACS(3.1.4) on a Linux2.4.18/SCore(5.0.0)
I'd tried the following.

scrun -scored=cmp***,nodes=4 scatter -file data.tpr :: mdrun_d -np 4 -deffnm
data < data.tpr

Here, mdrun_d is the program executable, data.tpr is a input data file for
this mdrun_d.
The invocation of the scrun looks successful.
However, this job looks halt just around reading the input data.
What's wrong the usage?
I really need helps!

Yokoyama Nano-structured Liquid Crystal Project.
Makoto Yoneya (Dr.)

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