[SCore-users] PC cluster servers are now up

Yutaka Ishikawa ishikawa at is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Mon Jun 23 15:03:53 JST 2003

Dear users,

The PC Cluster Consortium server for WWW and Mail services has been
stopped because it was suspected that the server was intruded and was
a DDOS server.  Due to this suspicion, the server was isolated.

We have been checking what happened and concluded that a user's down
load stream, using TCP 12754 port, was suspected, but it was a normal
stream and our server has not been intruded.

The server is now restarted.  If you have sent emails to PC cluster
consortium mailing lists, and they were bounced, could you please resend
them ?

	Yutaka Ishikawa, Chairman of PC Cluster Consortium

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