[SCore-users] multiuser mode

Marc Salzmann salzmann at mpch-mainz.mpg.de
Wed Feb 19 02:55:53 JST 2003

Hi everybody,

When I was using SCore-D (5.2.0) in multiuser mode I could
run a 'hello world' test program if I logged in as root but not
if I logged in as another user.
The error message was: FEP:ERROR Unable to open secure port.
The problem also occured after having started scored with the
-nosecure option.
So I decided to re-compile scrun with #define SCORE_NOT_SECURE
and this solved the problem.
Is there any better (and maybe saver?) way to solve the problem
than this?
I'm a newbee and would be grateful for any advice.

best regards, Marc


Marc Salzmann
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry            tel: +49/(0)6131/305311
Department of Atmospheric Chemistry / NWG     fax: +49/(0)6131/305577
Postfach 3060
55020 Mainz, Germany
e-mail: salzmann at mpch-mainz.mpg.de


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