[SCore-users-jp] RE: [SCore-users] Communication Performance with Score, with and without network trunking

Viet viet @ sowa.is.uec.ac.jp
2006年 7月 13日 (木) 19:29:33 JST

Dear Shinji Sumimoto Sensei,

>options e1000 TxIntDelay=0,0 TxAbsIntDelay=0,0  RxIntDelay=0,0 
>RxAbsIntDelay=0,0 InterruptThrottleRate=0,0 
>TxDescriptors=512,512 RxDescriptors=512,512 

I added that line into modprobe.conf before the line "alias eth0 e1000"
and reboot the system.
Hereunder is the result with network trunking (ethernet-x2):

Before reboot (without changing modprobe.conf)
+ rpmtest -ping		8	0.00102167
+ rpmtest -burst		8	100660
     (-len 1400)		1400	1.75823 e+07 (is it bit per
second? If yes, this is really a good bandwidth for dual Gigabit ports)

After reboot:
+ rpmtest -ping		8	0.00101375 (still too bad)
+ rpmtest -burst		8	213129 (better)
     (-len 1400)		1400	1.74813 e+07

And I still cannot get good communication performance with my own

One more question, please. With Score MPICH, a large message (say, 2200
double, i.e. 2200x8 bye length) cannot be sent with MPI_Send (blocking
send). I tried to set P4_GLOBMEMSIZE variable to a large value but it
does not work. Could you please give some advice.


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