[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] unformatted io bug gnu mpif77 score 5.8.x

Nick Birkett nick @ streamline-computing.com
2005年 2月 21日 (月) 23:00:51 JST

One of our users has spotted a problem with mpif77 with the
gnu compiler.

Platforms: RedHat 7.3,9       Score 5.8.2
            SuSE Linux 9 64bit Score 5.8.1

When using unformatted IO in fortran, the files
produced are incorrect when compiling with

mpif77 -compiler gnu


mpif77 -compiler intel8

mpif77 -compiler pgi

give the correct answer.

Some test programs attached.

Under Score 5.6.1 all compilers give correct answer.

Test codes:
output.f - creates unformatted file parallelout
input.f reads  parallelout and writes formatted file parallelout.form

Also gnu compiled output.f  crashes when run twice if the file parallelout exists,
but intel8 compiled output.f writes parallelout when an old one exists (correct



-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: input.f
型:         text/x-fortran
サイズ:     685 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <http://new1.pccluster.org/pipermail/score-users-jp/attachments/20050221/a37e8bb9/attachment.bin>

-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: output.f
型:         text/x-fortran
サイズ:     546 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <http://new1.pccluster.org/pipermail/score-users-jp/attachments/20050221/a37e8bb9/attachment-0001.bin>

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