[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] help:msgbserv:no hosts, my system is redhat 7.3

moral moral moral9692 @ hotmail.com
2004年 2月 28日 (土) 15:53:57 JST

hello everybody .First I want to thank the friends who responded to my last 
Second,I have another question to ask.When I set the server in the cluster 
and executed the following command:# /etc/rc.d/init.d/scoreboard start
	       # /etc/rc.d/init.d/msgbserv start
there is a warning:"starting compute host lock services:msgbserv:no hosts"
but I have set msgbserv in the scorehosts.db ,as following:
 *	SCore 3.0 scorehosts.db
 *	This is a sample of scorehosts.db.

/* PM/Ethernet */
ethernet	type=ethernet \

#define PCC	msgbserv=(server.pccluster.org:9950) \
			cpugen=pentium-iii speed=1000 smp=1 \
			network=ethernet \

comp0.pccluster.org   PCC

note:my msgbserv port is 9950

After that ,I execute the command "ps -auxww | grep scoreboard".scoreboard 
had been started.
Then I execute the command "ps -auxww | grep msgbserv".there is no 
'msgbserv' found.

Can someone help me ? thank you !

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