[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] SCore 5.8.0 is released.

kameyama @ pccluster.org kameyama @ pccluster.org
2004年 8月 6日 (金) 13:58:42 JST

We are happy to announce the SCore 5.8.0 release.  Please visit the
following URL to obtain the package.

New features in SCore 5.8

  - Following distributions are newly supported.
      - Fedora Core 1 for x86
      - Fedora Core 1 for AMD64
  - The following PM devices are supported:
      - Myrinet 2XP
      - Infiniband-ts (Topspin InfiniBand fabric)
  - The following Compilers are suppported:
      - Intel compiler version 8
      - Fujitsu compiler version 5
  - The following contribution packages are added:
      - Gram Job Manager(SGE/SCore)
      - BLASTBAND for SCore
  - In scout, -nostdin option is added.
  - In scoreboard, scorednetwork attribute to specify SCore-D network is added.
  - In SCore-D console command, limiting user resouces is added.
  - ULT_STACK_SIZE environment variable is added to specify stack size for mpc++
  - The SCore compile drivers output warning message when -nockpt option is
  - If -lpthread is specified, SCore compile drivers assume -nockpt option.
  - Delete bustest2k, bustestxp. These commands are merged into the bustest
  - scstest output numbers of packet per second and network configuration.
Bug Fixes
  - Myrinet XP firmware bug is fixed.
  - PM/Infiniband for Fujitsu HCA porting
    Checkpoint is now supported in this version.
  - Memory allocation over 1 GB bug on redhat 7.3 and 8.0 is fixed.
  - MPI program can run over 2048 processors now.
  - The Fortran compiler recognizes to configure mpich 1.2.5.
  - Mpc++ program was unable to work on IA64 with dynamic link.
  - The checkpoint is now able to work on IA64 and Opteron.
  - IA64 porting
    We have not tested the following features in an IA64 cluster:
      - Omni OpenMP
      - PBS
  - PM/Infiniband for Fujitsu HCA porting
    HCA firmware update is needed to use SCore.
  - The PM/Ethernet network trunking feature has been only tested on up to
    three Intel EEPRO100 NICs and up to two Syskonnect SK9843 NICs, Intel
    PRO1000/XT NICs and Broadcom BCM5701 based NICs. We already found that the
    feature does not work using some different NIC cards, e.g., the combination
    of tulip and 3C05B NICs.
  - PM/myrinet2xp
    pmWrite() function is not work with PM/myrinet2xp.
  - PVM is not fully tested.
  - PVM does not work in an SMP cluster.
  - The PM/InfiniBand for Topspin porting
    The driver modules are not currently open sourced. If you want to use 
    PM/InfiniBand for Topspin, request the binary from InfiniBand vendor. We 
    are currently in the process of implementing the open source version.
Known Bugs
  - EIT
      - The modification of the display name in the network configuration
        window is not effective.
  - If you specify group option with scrun, and if you specify wrong group
    or hostname, scrun will not stop.
  - If you specify group and checkpoint option with scrun, and you specify
    wrong resource (for example, too many CPU is specified), scrun try to
    execute scored infinite.

Kameyama Toyohisa
SCore-users mailing list
SCore-users @ pccluster.org

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