[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] Help: Too slow running any program

Huiqun Zhou hqzhou @ nju.edu.cn
2003年 7月 18日 (金) 14:06:14 JST

Hi, Score users,

We built a small cluster with 8 compute nodes, but it's too slow when running a program.
It even took 2 minutes or more to run the simple examples, hello and cpi. Although the results
are correct, it seems that it keeps looking for something at the begining of the run.

What's wrong? On each of the compute node, there are two NICs, one is 3COM 100Mb card,
another D-Link DGE-550T Gigabit card. As the latter has some problems, we removed configuration
for DGE-550T, only 3COM card is in use.

Thanks in advance.

Huiqun Zhou 
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