[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] score 5.4 install problem

Chen Hao hchen @ Mdl.ipc.pku.edu.cn
2003年 7月 17日 (木) 23:00:13 JST

Hi all
  I wanted to install score 5.4 to my small pc cluster, but when I try to install client machines, I got the following error:
 VFS :Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).
 Using EIT5 feature
 mounting /proc filesystem.... done
No dhcp_server specified. Used Broadcast
setupNetwork cannot set the gateway address
NFS mount /mnt/runtime
Cannot mount 
See the documentation for this trouble
  After I checked my server(RH 7.3)'s log, I found the client tried to mount the / of the server through NFS. What's the matter? 
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