[SCore-users-jp] [SCore-users] I/O problem?

Bernd Hartke hartke @ phc.uni-kiel.de
2002年 6月 28日 (金) 17:44:58 JST

Dear score users,
   there is a little Fortran program for the calculation of the number pi;
it is the first example in the book "Using MPI" by Gropp/Lusk/Skjellum,
and it is contained in many MPI(CH) distributions. I installed MPICH
on my linuxPC some time ago, and this program ran just fine.

Now, I tried to run this program on my cluster under SCore.
To my surprise, it dies with the following error when compiled with mpif77:

 enter number of intervals (0 quits):
list in: end of file
apparent state: unit 5 (unnamed)
last format: list io
lately reading direct formatted external IO
<0> SCORE: Program signaled (SIGABRT).

When compiled with mpif90, I get the same error situation with slightly
different error messages:

 enter number of intervals (0 quits):
PGFIO-F-217/list-directed read/unit=5/attempt to read past end of file.
 File name = stdin     formatted, sequential access   record = 1
 In source file pi.f, at line number 13

(in this case, I have to stop the program with Ctrl-C).

The apparently offending part of the code is this:

      call mpi_init(ierr)
      call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,myid,ierr)
      call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,numprocs,ierr)
   10 if (myid.eq.0) then
         write(6,*)"enter number of intervals (0 quits):"
      end if
      call mpi_bcast(n,1,mpi_integer,0,mpi_comm_world,ierr)

(Using "print *" and "read(*,*)" instead does not change anything.)

Is there some construction in SCore that prevents this type of I/O
on just one node?

Bernd Hartke

Prof. Dr. Bernd Hartke             e-mail: hartke @ phc.uni-kiel.de
Theoretical Chemistry              phone : +49-431-880-2753
Institute for Physical Chemistry   fax   : +49-431-880-1758
University of Kiel                 http://www.theochem.uni-stuttgart.de/~hartke
Olshausenstrasse 40
24098 Kiel

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