[SCore-users] SCore 5.0.1 released

kameyama at pccluster.org kameyama at pccluster.org
Thu Apr 25 10:38:56 JST 2002

We are happy to announce the SCore 5.0.1 release.  Please visit the
following URL to obtain the package.

SCore 5.0.1 s a bug-fix release for the SCore 5.0.
Following bugs are fixed in SCore 5.0:
         kernel hangs to exec mandel on PM/Eternet.
         PM/Ethernet don't work on RealTek Ethernet cards.
         Wrong usage on /etc/rc.d/init.d/pbs* usage.
         Don't use mpif90 on Fujitsu compiler.
         scout fails if server host only FQDN hostname.
         On single user mode, scout done still scored don't done completely.
         RPM update replace /etc/profile.d/score.sh and score.csh.
         jumpshot is not include in binary rpm.
         mpif90 dosen't work.
         bug fix rsh-all and scbcast description in Japanese man page.
         rsh-all dosen't work with -i option.
         make returns exit status 1.

Kameyama Toyohisa

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